Our Features

Explore top features

Teacher Panel

The teacher panel offers tools for managing classes, tracking student progress, grading assignments, and facilitating communication with students and parents, enhancing instructional efficiency.

Student Panel

The student panel provides access to assignments, grades, resources, and communication tools, empowering students to manage their learning and stay organized.

Parent / Guardian Panel

The parent/guardian panel allows parents and guardians to monitor their child's academic progress, attendance, and communicate with teachers, ensuring active involvement in their child's education.

Technology base

We provide tech in schools to enhances learning with personalized education, data-driven insights, administrative automation, and improved safety and resource allocation.

Reliable systems

Ecomrade ensures consistent performance, minimal downtime, and dependable support, meeting users' needs and expectations consistently over time.


All authorized users, regardless of abilities or limitations, can access and use the system effectively, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for learning.

Mobile & Desktop Apps

We provide convenient access to the system across various devices, offering flexibility and usability for users on-the-go.

Electronic Learning

The system leverages digital tools and platforms to deliver educational content, facilitating flexible and interactive learning experiences for students and educators alike.

Machine Learning

The system uses algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data, without being explicitly programmed.


Large sets of data are analyzed to uncover insights, trends, and patterns that can inform decision-making and drive improvements in various areas such as student performance, resource allocation, and administrative efficiency within a school system.

SMS & Email Integrations

Our integrations enable efficient communication by automating notifications, reminders, and updates, ensuring timely and effective information dissemination to students, parents, and staff.


The system provides comprehensive insights and detailed analysis on various metrics, facilitating informed decision-making and progress tracking for students, teachers, and administrators.